Saturday, August 5, 2017

DUI Marijuana - Orange County DUI Marijuana Defense Attorney

Marijuana has been legal for "medicinal purposes" for some time now in California; but now that marijuana is “legal” in the State of California even for "non-medicinal" purposes, DUI Marijuana Enforcement is increasing rapidly in Orange County and throughout the entire State of California.

Because DUI Marijuana Enforcement is rapidly increasing, we are seeing more and more DUI Marijuana cases in the County of Orange and throughout the State of California. If you were charged with DUI Marijuana, especially if you use marijuana frequently, do not just plead guilty because if you are charged again in the future with a DUI, you will not be charged as a First Offense DUI, but rather a Second Offense DUIThird Offense DUI, or worse yet, Fourth Offense DUI, all of which carry sentences that entail jail time in Orange County, California.

If you have been charged with DUI-Marijuana in Orange County, California, contact Peter F. Iocona and the DUI Defense Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network today for a free consultation.